ACADEMIC RESEARCH 2014-2015/ 2015-2016: La tradizione metodologica
ACADEMIC RESEARCH 2014-2015/ 2015-2016: La tradizione metodologica  LA CRITICA TESTUALE Il lavoro di critica testuale consiste, in primo luogo, nel confrontare i testimoni di una partitura disponibili, classificarli ricostruendo le vicende delle trasmissioni manoscritte e di stampa della partitura stessa. In u...

Piano Department. A.A. 2012-2013 Workshop in "Regia pianistica"
Istituto Europeo di Musica. Piano Department (Dir. Davide Polovineo) A.A. 2012-2013 Workshop in "Regia pianistica". DVD Piano Production Workshop (DPPW) for classical pianists and DVD Productors Workshop disciplines 1) Audio-Technicas and Design of sound 2) Video Technicas 3) Location Systematic 4) Audio...

Research 2010-2030. A New approach to Chopin's Piano Music
A New Approach to Chopin's Piano Music The “New Approach to Chopin's Piano Music” is a Rich Media DVD. I DVD:Ballade in F minor Op 52; Nocturnes Op 48 n 1 and 9 n 1; Etudes Op 10 (Davide Polovineo, piano): An exact Description of the Sources and a complete Conspectus of the Diff...

Apeiron: Program 2016
Apeiron: Music Program 2016: Pergolesi, Monteverdi, Carissimi, Vivaldi ...

Cambridge Press: The Cambridge Companion to Chopin
The twenty-seven etudes and their antecedents   The publication of the Douze grandes études, Op. 10, in 1833 provided the musical world with its first conclusive evidence of the depth of Chopin's creative talent. In many ways this was an appropriate and symbolic form of announcement. The early develop...

Lectio Coram 2013: THE FOOD OF DREAMS.Reality and Surreality in Schnittke
Alfred Schnittke, Piano Sonatas, Piano Concerts: Lecture Davide Polovineo: THE FOOD OF DREAMS. Reality and Surreality in Schnittke's musical Philosophy (Schnittke's Piano Works). Istituto Europeo di Musica: Lectio Coram 2013...

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CCSH Ciclo completo delle Sonate di Haydn per pianoforte
  CCSH (Ciclo Completo delle Sonate di Haydn per pianoforte) is a Piano Music Archiv in     Haydn’s Piano Sonatas: a Philosophy of Taste     Bibliography     Bonds, Mark Evan. W...

DRAMA DEPARTMENT:Academic Research 2014-2015- Petrarca il Canzoniere
Istituto Europeo di Musica Drama Department Archive Research A.A.2014-2015 Francesco Petrarca, Il Canzoniere METODOLOGIA Dizionario di metrica italiana Link PDF Enter   ...

File allegato: Istituto Europeo di Musica Archivio IEM Francesco Petrarca canzoniere.pdf
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